For six years, poachers in Zimbabwe killed more than a thousand rhinos. Horns of animals are sent to the Asian market for the use in the “traditional medicine”. Big horn can cost up to 360,000 U.S. dollars in the black market. To ward off poachers from killing rhinos, government officials and veterinarians are compelled to saw the off horn animals, observing them and giving them all the necessary medical precautions.Sometimes the rhinos being moved from dangerous location to new territory by helicopter for safety purpose. Well, this is really weird news for our world, this time we really in need of saving animals. killing animals for the sake of your needs and hobbies,this is not good at all and this should can only be solve by everyone`s awareness, so save future and save world…
Here are some pictures of innocent rhinos, you can check out and decide Is that good for us or bad.
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